Protection Schutzhund Training and Trial Sleeve with Jute Cover
Easier teach your Pitbull to bite in the middle of the bite area using curved center future of this protection training bite sleeve.
Looking for Jute Perfector Sleeve?
please consider this sleeve more Durable and high quality!
Jute Perfector Bite Sleeve for Pitbull training
Key futures of this bite sleeve:
   * Durable interior and exterior materials
   * Padded handle inside of the sleeve
   * Plastic extra protection shoulder shield
   * Leather belt for sleeve cover secure attachment
   * Perfect bite area angle
Intended use for this bite sleeve
   * Schutzhund training
   * Schutzhund Trial, Competition, Championship
   * Bite sleeve training of adult experienced dog
Please, pay attention that this model of bite sleeve is used with a cover ONLY! Otherwise, we do not bear any responsibility for the condition of the sleeve that is used without a cover!
Take a look at Bite Sleeve in 3D